🕹️ Features

With Segments, you can slice and dice your customers in meaningful ways to analyze and take targeted actions on.

🍰 Creating a Segment

  1. Click on the ‘+’ sign beside Segments on the side menu


  2. Name your Segment and select the Object type


  3. Click ‘Save.’

🎉 That’s it!

🥧 Creating a Sub-Segment

Slice your Segment further with sub-segments.

  1. Go into a ‘Segment’ view.


  2. Simply slice your Segment by using ‘Filter’. (E.g. I want to filter my Pro accounts that have a conversion probability of more than 70%)


  3. Add sorting rules and/or fields on display to enrich the sub-segment view.


  4. Name your sub-segments according to its business meaning.

  5. Create more sub-segments by clicking on the ‘+’ icon.

    Screenshot 2022-11-10 164305.png

🎉 That’s it!

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